First Step
Before you become a member of Alliance in Motion Global just buy a Global Package select the set of package what you want and what you received with your global package!
a. AIM Global Package Starter (P7,980.00) To Order - Click here
b. AIM Global Package Entrepreneurial (P23,940.00) To Order - Click here
c. AIM Global Package International Builder (P55,860.00) To Order - Click here
1. Products worth of P 6,900 - P 7,900 with Return of Investment (R.O.I)
2. Lifetime 25%-50% discount to all products.
3. Personal Accident Insurance
* Php 200,000 - Accident Insurance
* Php 50,000 - Unprovoked Murder and Assault
* Php 10,000 - Medical Reimbursement
* Php 10,000 - Burial Assistance
4. Free Medical Check-up
Each member is entitled to a free annual medical check-up
* Complete physical examination
* Complete blood count (CBC)
* Chest X-Ray
* Urinalysis
* Fecalysis
* Dental Evaluation
* Visual Aquity Test
Note: Coverage of medical check-up depend on the tie-up clinics.
5. Transferable Scholarship:
Each member can choose from than 300 affiliated schools across the Philippines to avail 50% to 100% scholarship, which can be transferred to anyone the member wishes.
6. AIM Global website access (Webpage)
Each member will have his/her own account in AIM Global's computer system where successful group sales transactions (real time) can be viewed 24/7.
7. Business Kit: (For start-up)
* Folder for presentation
* Video Presentation CD
* Insurance Certificate
* Scholarship Certificate
* ATM application form (BDO for daily and monthly income)
* ID application form
8. Company ATM & ID
*BDO for Local
*China Trust for Internation
Good morning, evening or afternoon what never says your time their once more again my name is Andrew Tarawallie am living in freetown Sierra Leone West African we have try so much for to get an office in our country but nor way so can you please tell me the mechanizing or the things needed for us to have an office in our country Sierra