Marketing Plan

Aim Global Marketing Plan

How are you going to earn with AIM Global?

1. Retailing or Direct Selling: Enjoy at least 25% outright profit up to 50% to all the products that you sell. Some people like selling, some prefer reffering or do both. What is great about this is that it has no quota to maintain. In addition, each product has its corresponding points (Repeat Binary Points, Commisional Points and Positional Points) which offer additional income for you.

Retail Sales Profit (RSP)1 For instance: • 1 Blister box of C 24/7 Natura – Ceuticals1 Blister box of C 24/7 Natura – Ceuticals P 1,200 - SRPP 1,200 - SRP - P 900 - ( 25% Discount)- P 900 - ( 25% Discount) P 300P 300 - (Profit)- (Profit) • WHITE LIGHT Sublingual GlutathioneWHITE LIGHT Sublingual Glutathione P 1,900 - P 1,425 =P 1,900 - P 1,425 = P 475P 475 (Profit)(Profit) (SRP) (25%)(SRP) (25%) NO QUOTA! Of all marketing companies out there, we chose Alliance in Motion Global because of its great product and marketing plan. There are 6 major ways on how to earn.

2. Direct Referral Bonus: When you join Alliance in Motion Global, you will get a slot and a distribution tracking center on your webpage. For every package you sell, you will receive Php 500.000. For example, person A joined you under your organization, once he/she registered, you will earn Php 500.00. The same goes if person B joined your organization, you will again have another Php 500.00. This bonus is unlimited. No matter how many transactions you get, you will earn Php 500.00 for every package sold or registered direct referral.

3.  Matching Sales Bonus:  Binary system or matching sales bonus. From the root word “bi” which means 2, the system recognizes matches or pairing bonuses. Your left side matches the right side. From the same example under direct referral bonus, when person A joins you and person B joins you as well, you will get Php 500.00 each transaction so that is a total of Php 1,000.00. Following the rule of match sales bonus, automatically, you will get an additional Php 1,500.00 for the pairing so that's a total of Php 2,500.00. Like you, person A and person B can also do the business and just like you if they get sign ups under their organization, they will get corresponding income and bonuses as well. The system says that as long as you get transactions from your left sales force and your right sales force, may it be direct or indirect referral, you will get Php 1,500.00 for your pairing bonus. Again, you will get matching sales bonus down your organization as long as left sales force matches your right sales force.

Matching Sales Bonus (Product Movement) 500 Products = 1,200 pts 1500 Global Pack - Global Pack = 1,500 Product – Global Pack = 1,500 Product – Product = 1,500 For the products, as mentioned previously, each product has its correspoind points. The corresponding points of the products are called Binary Points. You see, our products can even match a person that you have invited as long as you have collected 1,200.00 points for the binary plan of your products, it will match a person either to your left or to your right and with that, you still earn Php 1,500.00 pairing bonus. Pairing/Matching: Person/Global Pack to Person/Global Pack Product to Person/Global Pack Product to Product.

4. Unilevel Sales Bonus: Even if there is no recruiting made, as long as each member buys and uses the products, you still earn from product movement. Each product has its own Commisional Points and you earn from every purchase made by your downlines. On your 1st level, you will get 10% of product commissional points and from your 2nd to 10th level, you will get 5% of product commissional points. Unilevel Structure This is paid to qualified distributors based on the genealogical structure formed using the direct sponsor information of each distributor’s account. Following the commisional points of the products, you will get your unilevel bonus from your organization group sales starting from your direct referral up to the 10th generation. To elaborate further, whenever your group orders products whether for personal use or selling, you will get 10% unilevel bonus from your direct referrrals on your first generation and 5% unilevel bonus from your 2nd up to the 10th generation. The unilevel sales bonus also follows the dynamic compression rule. Dynamic compression ensures that qualified distributors will earn bonuses on all levels without breakage due to inactive or nonperforming distributors within the earning 10 levels.

5. Stair Step Plan or Overriding Commission: Just like in a traditional workplace, with Alliance in Motion Global, you will also get promoted. What's good about this is that you will not do this alone. Your promotion will be based on product movement or group sales points called Positional Points. When you become a member, you will be called a Distributor with zero positional points. Once your whole organization (you and your downlines) accummulated 10 positional points based on product movement, you will be promoted to Silver Executive. Accumulated 100 positional points will bring you to the position of Gold Executive and 1000 positional points will give you the position of Global ambassador. The good thing about this is that once you are promoted, you will not be demoted in case your group sales does not meet the total positional points you are in. In addition, no time frame and no pass up. What are the benefits? When you become a Silver Executive, you will get an additional 10% overriding commission from your group sales points. That's 10% additional income aside from your unilevel bonus, match sales bonus, direct referral and outright profit. Gold Executive will give you an additional income of 20% from your organization/group sales points and Global Ambassador will give you an additional income of 30% from your group sales points. This is your overriding commission. With this, you will earn 10, 20, or 30 additional percentages from your whole organization from your first level up to infinity or the next same higher rank. Again, that's aside from the unilevel bonus, match sales bonus, direct referral and outright profit. You do not have to choose between the 5 ways to earn. If you are in, you can have them all. Our system will process and generate for you and it will be reflected or appear on your webpage or DTC when you log in.

In Stairstep, when a downline is promoted to Silver Executive or Global Executive, the immediate upline is also promoted to whatever position the downline achieved. It's like a chain reaction. Exception: In the illustration below, if P1's upline is You, B will not achieve whatever position P1 achieved because B is not the upline of P1 but you so you will achieve whatever P1 achieved when promoted.

6. AIM GLOBAL PROFIT SHARING: The highest profit share given last 7th Anniversary, Php 1,602,052.27 2014 Profit Sharers The highest profit share awarded last May 2, 2014 was Php 2,368,907.43.

YOU Safety Net: We have a maximum payout per day. Maximum Income per Day The company recognizes safety net, meaning we have a maximum income per day. There are 2 cycles per day: 8 matches from 12:01 to 11:59 AM Manila time and 8 matches from 12:01 to 11:59 PM Manila time so that's a toal of 16 matches per day which gives us a maximum income of Php 24,000.00 in a day. Not bad. How does this happen? Rule on Flush Out How realistic to earn Php 24,000.00 in a day? For example, your organization was able to come up with 20 matches in a day, let say Monday, as the rule in safety net goes, the company will only pay us 16 pairs or 16 matches in a day so that’s a total income of Php 24,000.00. The other matches (4 matches) will be flushed out or no payment. The same goes on the next day. Given the same example, let say your group or organizatoin has created 20 matches on Tuesday, either on your left or right in a day, the company will give you a payout of 16 matches with a total of Php 24,000.00. The other 4 will be flushed out too. However, you can still have them. How? If you know that your organization will exceed 16 pairs in a day based from your DTC, you can advise the next persons to join later based on the time frame above so that it will be credited on the next day or cut off. Day Left You Right Cash Rebate Mon 20 16 20 16 24,000 Tue 20 16 20 16 24,000 8-match sales cycle = Php 12,000.00 2 Cycles per day 12,000.00 x 2 cycles = Php 24,000.00 In a month (x26), that is a total of Php 624,000.00 income per month.

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